Tuesday 3 May 2011

Christianity and Death *updated

Second post and this week I will try to make it more grammatically correct, at the same time however this post may be heavily criticised so I will try to make it in such a way that you will see the point i am trying to get across. 

Now as most of you, if not all of you should know that Osama Bin Laden was killed, it was a strong moment for many people who had lost loved ones in 9/11 or The Bali bombings and many people across the world. I am not denying that these were sad moments, the loss of any life is a sad moment. Yet how should we react to the death of a man who has spent 10 years on the FBI's most wanted list?, How easy is it for people to not rejoice in this time?.

Headline after headline came in they more or less said the same message, "Justice is done", this is normally followed by a group of pictures, a few in particular of American's celebrating outside The White House. But this type of celebration is not done anywhere else in the world, in fact Taliban supporters are unlikely going to be celebrating, in fact they are going to be upset. Depending who's side you view this war you are going to get a similar view point. What i'm saying is this. 

America, very powerful country, has been for a while now, they took the 9/11 tragedy quite deeply and not just them, many articles at that time said "the day that shook the world", in that day thousands of people died, America declared a war on terror. 
If you look at it from the perspective of Al Qaeda and Osama they will say the same about America, America came into their country and killed hundreds of thousands of people, whether that be male, female, old, young, children, anyone, it was and still is a war which i don't think can be won, for as long as America attacks them, they are going to attack back. Just as America celebrated the death of Osama, Al Qaeda and Taliban celebrated at the deaths of the thousands who died on September 11. 

This is what happens though America got angry an declared war, finally killing Osama after 10+ years, however now we've got Taliban supporters getting angry at America and as you can see from this picture ---->
people shouting Anti-America slogans and holding rallies.

I suppose now you can see why both sides continue to kill, it's revenge to avenge the death's of people of their cultures. 

The bible says that " You have heard that it was said, 'you shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven". Mark 5: 43-46, and in Proverbs 24:17 "Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, & let not your heart be glad when he stumbles". 

You see the violence that occurs in this world is sin, every bit of it and no matter which side dies or whoever many people die, mourn that loss and as Mark 5 says "pray for those who persecute you", it does not say make war with them to show them who is stronger, we are all sinful in many ways, sure not all of us are killers, but how many of us have stolen, rejected God, spoke ill of people or about people. These are all sins, they are all bad and therefore we are all bad, America may see it's attack on Al Qaeda as a way to say we wont stand for this but thousands die. It is not loving or christian like in anyway to say that war brings good rewards, you may think it does, but at what cost. Christ died on the cross for everyone, our sins were so great that it took God the sacrifice of his own son to save us from our sins, this includes Osama, it includes Hitler, Pol Pot, everyone Christ died for us all because our sins were that big. It is a scary thought to think that someone could die for these people, however we are all human, all sinful and all at Gods judgement.

This all being said the main message I am trying to get across is that celebrating the death of someone isn't loving, God will provide his judgement when that day comes until then mourn those who die but know that through faith in God you will see them again one day. 

*This has been added because I have realised there have things I have missed, so here it is, Philippians 1:22-23 "But if i live, I can do more fruitful work for Christ. So I really don't know which is better. I'm torn between two desires: I long to go and be with Christ, which would be far better for me". Philippians is written by a Paul as a letter to the people of Philippi, but which is better. Whilst we are on Earth we are to do the "fruitful work for Christ" and maintain and continue to persevere in faith because through faith we are saved.  However know that having faith in God and Christ means that when death comes we will one day be resurrected to live for eternity with Christ in heaven.

Until next week though, take care, hope this has been insightful and I will continue to pray for you all. =)

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