Tuesday 17 May 2011

Christianity out of School *updated again

So week 4 I believe and today is a topic that many will face in the not to distant future and that is the prospect of leaving school forever. 
This, for some is a joyful occasion, others more sad about this, personally when school ends I think I'll be ready for it and to finally have some freedom from the past 13 + years of work will be good.
However just as you come out of that routine your thrown into that adult world, a much larger world where everything seems bigger and a lot more tougher then what you've come from. So here's a nifty guide for you all, to surviving out of school.

Now as I said back in my first blog surviving school itself can be difficult with all these temptations, but when I went to a camp called Kyck last holidays and I learnt that from the time you leave school til around 25- 27, you will be tempted the most and that these years are the hardest to make it through. 

Here are some reasons why:

1/ You've left school, you have more freedom to do things, go out more, see more people and get invited more places.

2/ By now your probably over 18 therefore drinking is now legal.

3/ You most likely will have a license of some sort whether that be red P's or green P's or even full license by this stage, what this means is you don't need to rely on people driving you places and since your 18 you won't have to worry about getting home on time.

Basically as soon as you hit 18 your freedom slowly unravels in front of you, you get through your final year and then move to the wider world. 
Question is this, with all these new freedoms you have will that put a stop in your christian life.

I like to think not, I like to think that the decisions most of you will make, will be the correct ones and that you will not forget God. This is why going to church is important, we are not forced to go to a church but it is a constant reminder of how you should be living your life. I can say that every week I go to church I get reminded constantly of the messages of God. Not only is it a good reminder but it is also a chance to see other people who are there who face the same challenges. We can go to church all we like but we are still all sinners and we have to face up to fact that we can't defeat sin on our own and that we need God's help, being with other Christians helps us remember this.

This is a link to something known as Year 13 which i hear is really good:

basically it is there to help people grow in God more. Watch the video to find out more and to get some details.

As for me I am currently looking to go to a christian college, whether this be year 13 or somewhere else, I'm sure that it will strengthen me into doing what I like to do and that's spreading God's word.

Of course many of you still have time to think about this stuff and don't worry if you still haven't decided by the time your my age because really your mind changes so many times that it's really not worth stressing about, God has a plan for us all, a phrase I love to hear because I remember I am not in control and I am not powerful.

I'm not saying that you have to pick up a Christian course, I mean if you want to do something else sure go ahead, I love ancient history and wouldn't have minded doing that, but if you pick lets say History for this example, if you pick history then don't let parties get in the way of your Christian life, the more you put off church the least likely you are going to go back, so if you do move somewhere or pick up a course then find a church in that area, I imagine there will be friendly people there who would love to spend time with you.

So leaving you with that message, any questions as always email me at cdaniel1993@yahoo.com.au or fb message me or on chat or whatever and I'll attempt to answer it in my next mini blog and keep going to church,reading the bible and keep praying as I will keep praying that you will become close to God.

*Over the last couple of days I have been looking around and found a course at Morling College called 'Plunge' which does look quite nice and my careers advisor recomends a guy called Andrew Palmer as a good guy who works there and has spoken at a speech night at my school before so this is another possibility for people.

**Also got to mention that theres many christian colleges out the and one i'm looking at is Morling college and doing something called Plunge, which sounds great and yeh there's certainly ways outside school to stay strong in faith.

Adios until next time =D

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